Monday, January 30, 2017

Whimsical Kitties by Llola Lane

Here's a poem I wrote inspired by a piece of art by Raili Sandlewood an artist in Second Life. If you turn on closed captioning (CC) you will see the poem words as I read them. ENJOY!

Friday, January 27, 2017

Sunday, January 22, 2017

"The Traveler" Poem... LIVE on voice!


Alien World Christmas

                                           "Alien World Christmas" by Llola Lane

The year is 3015.  The earth is gone and we were forced to find a new world to live on.
Year 100AE (After Earth)   It took a hundred years to find this planet.  The ones who set off on the long journey have long since passed away.  We are their descendants.  Our grandparents and parents have left us with many traditions.  Many colored faces fill our ships.  Traditions have become mixed and together we are now forming new traditions of our own.

Llola's 3D Art

To see more of my 3D art... Please visit...